How Fast do Classes fill up during SOAR Registration?

<p>I have an early July SOAR date, and I'm wondering if the classes are going to be picked over already. Should I be concerned, or will most classes still be open?</p>

<p>I would be interested in knowing this as well because I got a later date.</p>

<p>Most freshmen sign up for the same classes, for example: chemistry, math, etc. So those classes have a lot of space in them to accomodate the freshmen. So yea if u take the basic classes, you will get into them. If you want to take classes that are smaller sizes and are very popular those may fill up quickly or already be full by current students. But if you have a July date, you should be good. If you don’t get into a class u want, just get on the waitlist, and send the prof an email that u really wanna get in. Go to the first lecture and talk to him. Chances are he/she will allow u to join.</p>

<p>Your advisor at SOAR is also a person to discuss how to do things. They can offer suggestions as above. Have alternate electives available- eg if it doesn’t matter which social science you take first semester. Checking online to see if there are openings may not work as some spots will be reserved for SOAR students such as you.</p>

<p>I know that there are no crappy teachers at UW, but if there are any I am sure those classes will be open to all newbees.</p>

<p>When I went through SOAR they told me that they continually open up classes throughout the summer (not sure how) so that the freshmen aren’t too limited. That being said, a lot of freshmen do get stuck with classes at undesirable times (early morning, late labs).</p>

<p>That’s the key point. You can get into the classes you want, just be prepared for early morning or late afternoon classes. Most of the mege-classes at 10,11,12,1, and 2 fill up quickly.</p>

<p>So, it’s more an issue of getting good times for classes than it is actually getting into the classes themselves?</p>

<p>I’m signed up to be advised through CALS so I’m not sure if the lesser volume of students will help or hurt my chances of getting the classes I want.</p>

<p>You will be competeing with alll students from all schools/colleges for spots in any given class- many sciences and math for example are in L&S.</p>

<p>As stated above, have Plans B, C, and possibly D in mind for most if not all classes. And bring your laptop with Wi-Fi capabilities so at the hotel between Day 1 & 2 of SOAR, you can ‘handicap’ in real time the chances of getting into various classes when you fire in the next day.</p>

<p>The good thing is that there are so many options available, great classes across the board.</p>

<p>Thank you all for the helpful responses! It sounds like getting into a class isn’t a problem, but getting a good time is the difficult part. While not optimal, I can deal with an early morning class if I have to take one, but it seems like an early July SOAR date won’t be a big deal.</p>

<p>You can look now at the classes and the number of open seats. I’m not sure how many classes/sections get added later, but some of the classes I was interested in are completely full as there is only 1 lecture with no seats left. I hope they add more. Other classes seem to have plenty of openings.</p>