How fast does Binghamton's housing fill up?


I am seriously considering between Binghamton and Stony Brook. Since Binghamton’s housing registration is coming up soon (April 6th), I want to make sure that I don’t miss my opportunity to reserve a space in the Dickinson residential community. However, at the same time, I am still waiting on Stony Brook’s update on my financial aid. I honestly don’t know what to do, so I am wondering if I can delay my deposit for Binghamton and still be able to register for Dickinson. Thanks!

I have a similar question and it would be great if someone could answer it. I’m almost 100% positive I’m going to attend Binghamton, but I was going to wait for the accepted students day on the 17th to put down my deposit. Will this make it harder to get my first or second choice community?