How good is Binghamton University?

I live in New York and I heard that Binghamton University has a pretty good rep. Also, because it is a SUNY, it is relatively affordable for many applicants from middle-low income families. I’m most likely going into one of the STEM fields but I’m not entirely sure yet. I would like to know, what areas does Binghamton excel in? Is it big in the STEM fields like engineering or do they focus on other fields such as business, economics, law, etc. Is it an all-around school where they don’t really focus in a single area of study?

There is a lot of info on the SUNYs available online. Try google. For engineering there are some better SUNYs like Stony Brook and Buffalo. I think Bing does have a good business program (and Law is a graduate program so not applicable in this case).

SUNY Binghamton is an excellent school. I suggest you do some research on Binghamton and other SUNY schools (ex. Geneso, Stony Brook, Buffalo, New Paltz etc.) – get your hand on some college guide books (ex. Fiske, Insiders Guide, Princeton Review), talk to your guidance counselor, online search, visit school etc.

Binghamton does very well in Kiplinger’s Best Value of Out of State Schools

It’s the top SUNY school. Difficult to get into. Really good academics. Low OOS population despite the high value. Doesn’t have the greatest surrounding area by any means. Not exactly known for having a lot of fun activities to enjoy off-campus. The other good SUNY schools are Geneseo, Buffalo, Stony Brook, and New Paltz. Do all your research on those schools and pick from your preference.

@“Erin’s Dad”

While not an option for us, I have lots of friends and family in downstate New York, most people I know would not go to Buffalo over Binghamton unless they got money at Buffalo and money was a very serious concern or they wanted one of the unique programs at Buffalo such as pharmacy. Most of their kids who attend Binghamton seem to really like it, the area is fine even if the town is depressed. They have spent a lot on new dorms in the last decade.

Stonybrook is known for Computer Science and life science. However most people that I know in state will choose Binghamton for straight engineering (other than CS) even if they are premed (unless accepted to one of Stonybrook’s special programs). I think this may be a bias against Stony’s former reputation as a party school in the 1980s as opposed to Binghamton’s public ivy reputation. Since parents are helping with these decisions, this may have some influence in terms of their perceptions. Also most people I know are downstate and they want to be AWAY for college. If you can get there by the LIRR, it is not away, according to their kids.

While I am not certain, the perception is that Geneso is more liberal arts and New Paltz is more artistic.

All of the SUNYs and CUNYs now have a STEM scholarship available for the top 10% of in state high school students which provides free tuition. Not much is known about it and you have to apply.

Binghamton is a good school, but if you want STEM you should also check out Buffalo and Stony Brook. NYS does have the STEM scholarship which is given to those in the top 10%.

There is something that I need to mention- I am almost positive that if you have the STEM scholarship and change your major to one that is non STEM, you have to pay back the grant. Additionally, I believe that another requirement is working in NYS for 5 years following graduation.

I live in Downstate NY and know kids who considered Binghamton and Buffalo. Which they liked better depended on the student. I don’t know any who got money from either, but they’re in state students with above average (but not stellar) stats so maybe that’s why.

There is a [NYS STEM grant](NYS Higher Education Services Corporation - NYS Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Incentive Program) for NYS students in the top 10% of their graduating class. It pays for NYS tuition at both 2- and 4-year SUNY schools, but if they also qualify for the state TAP (Tuition Assistance Program) grant, the STEM grant is reduced by the amount of TAP they receive. Students who receive this award do have to work in the STEM field in NY for at least 5 years after graduation or the grant reverts to loans.

New York State STEM scholarship program…

Award stipulations:
-Top 10% of your HS graduating class
-Must choose a SUNY or CUNY STEM program
-Must maintain 2.5 GPA
-Award is equal to the annual tuition charged to NYS resident students attending an undergraduate program at the State University of New York
-Must execute a service contract agreeing to reside and work in NYS for five years in the field of Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics

I’m pretty sure its an automatic (non-competitive) award if you fit the profile.

So the total four year award will be somewhere in the neighborhood of $26,000 to $28,000 if you stay within the guidelines. It makes a SUNY education even more affordable but it does constrain you to living and working in NY for 5 years. I think if you need the financial help, its well worth it.

Yes you have to work in New York but the way I read it you are not limited to what you do so you could work in the IT department at Goldman Sachs if you want.

Anyone know what happens if you go to med school?

Also what if you graduate from a high school that does not rank?

While it may be non competitive I am reasonably sure you have to apply, although ^ may be correct that if you meet the guidelines you will get it. Binghamton in state is about 15k a year, so that is worth 60k.

@SeekingPam If your high school does not rank, the school must provide an explanation as to how it has determined that you are in the top 10 percent of your graduating class.

Also, the award is for TUITION ONLY. Room and board is not part of the award.

Thank you yes. Binghamton is about 15k per year for tuition only. The COA is something like 25k according to my downstate friends. All the SUNYs are different prices, not sure why.

Binghamton in-state tuition was $9,044 for the 2015-2016 school year. Room and board $13,198 so COA is closer to $22,000.

Does it have. good Nursing Program

Binghamton is an good value if you are an instate student and they can be an OK value if you are from out of state. The school of management is probably the best regarded, with accounting being a very solid program. A lot of students from the accounting program get jobs working for the big 4. Nursing is pretty good as well. The engineering program might not be as well funded or well regarded as the programs at UB or Stony Brook but watson graduates find decent employment.

Harpur very hit or miss in terms of quality and instruction even within programs but it does have a number of programs that may not be offered everywhere. I know that they have majors like near eastern studies or Judaic studies and you might not be able to take that at every school. Honestly, for liberal arts, you’re better off going to geneseo but you can do OK at binghamton.