How good is Case Western Reserve for undergrad Computer Science?

How popular is the major? What is the reputation of it? How does it compare with OSU CS?

Last year there were 59 graduates and all had jobs or were going on to advananced degrees.

So employers and grad schools have a good opinion.

Here is a list of co op companies for EE and CS where Case CS students may land jobs:
My son’s CWRU CS major friends have gotten summer jobs at Google and Microsoft , which do not appear on the co op listing.

From what I heard from others, CS department is really small and isn’t funded all too well.Intro classes at CS are extremely hard b/c professors are incompetent lecturers, and they want to weed students from the field.

Computer Science like pretty much most of engineering is really easy to get a job in after you graduate. After that, only work experience matters, so I’d consider going to a state school and studying CS there.

@thedirtyeh if you visit OSU and Case online, you can see the classes required within the major.
At OSU, you need a specific college GPA to be admitted into program. (you can be admitted to OSU,
but not everyone moves into CS)

But at CWRU, with the One-door admissions policy, you are admitted to the University and can major in whatever you want.

Case was extremely generous in grants for STEM! However, did not choose… because of other Offers and other reasons in final decision :))