How good is Colorado College?

<p>I know rankings are the devil, but Colorado College has been falling over the past 6 years. I'm actually really interested in this school (because of it's location primarily) but I wouldn't pay 40,000 a year for a school that's going down the toilet. How big are the differences between CC and other LACs like Davidson/Grinnell/Bowdoin?</p>

<p>I went to CC many many years ago - I was attracted by Block Plan and location. The Block Plan isn't for everyone and is not ideal for certain types of study (languages for example although at the time they did have mini 'maintenance' classes you could take). I think for other classes like history or sciences it is great. The breaks between blocks provide a lot of learning opportunities as well if you so choose. Like any other schools, quality of teachers will vary - I had, over all, great professors but, like any where else, what you give is what you get. The teachers were all extremely dedicated because the block plan demands a lot of effort on their part as well. In terms of students, obviously many were brilliant, some were average and there were frats but easily ignored. No pressure whatsoever to join frats/sororities. But if the block plan doesn't appeal, don't go. If you frequently get sick and/or want to skip classes, don't go. If you prefer to multitask or don't like the thought of focusing on one subject, don't go. If you like the idea of being able to go as a class and spend several days or more elsewhere immersing yourself in the subject (geology?, anthropology?) then go. In terms of location it is wonderful - physical space that is - the town itself has grown a lot and has I think gained a very conservative religious bent which may appeal but I think would also be easily ignored.</p>

<p>thanks for the info how close were the nearest slopes and did you/alot of people go much?</p>

<p>I don't feel I could comment on this because it was sooooo long ago. My guess is trips are made frequently but more on block breaks than each weekend??? I would suggest reposting with that question in the title!</p>

<p>thanks merepoule</p>

<p>hey Brand_182. From what I have heard, CC has not been falling... but rising. Yes, there was a dip, but in the last 2 years it has come up in rank (I believe last year it jumped from 34 or so to its current 27). True at one point it made it up to 19, but I think this new president is putting a lot of effort towards building a reputable and high ranking school.</p>

<p>thanks i have decided that i will likely apply to CC b/c it is basically the only truly "good" college in colorado. lol - that's so sad. Boulder is good, but not really good. The block plan also sounds pretty cool. I guess we'll see how CC has fared in the rankings in a couple of weeks.</p>

For the record, CC is f ing amazing

I too attended many years ago… if I remember correctly the closest ski area was Breckenridge about 2 hours away. Students did not typically ski during the block (not a great idea to skip class on the block plan as mentioned upstream) but there was lots of opportunity to ski over block breaks and longer vacations. I suppose you could ski on the weekends but with so much happening on campus I’m not sure why a student would choose to attend CC if s/he was looking to take off and miss out on weekend events.

Ha ha… didn’t notice the thread was 9 years old!