How good is this subject selection in terms of career and manageability?


English L&L
French B</p>

<p>What career are you looking at? </p>

<p>In general though, your subject combination is on the harder side since you’re taking two of the hardest HL subjects (physics and maths) but you’ve balanced it out with a relatively easy higher level subject. Your standard level subjects are well balanced. English should be easy depending upon your aptitude and same goes for french. Psychology is rather hard to score a 7 in but it is quite easy to pass! I’d give your schedule a 9.5/10. </p>

<p>I am looking to major in economics. After that either MBA or law school.</p>

<p>If that’s the case your subject combination is alright. However, I HIGHLY recommend you drop physics to standard level to make things a lot easier for yourself. It isn’t relevant to what you intend on studying and therefore will be of immense burden to you. Since, there is a big difference between SL/HL physics (as with all sciences) dropping it to SL will save you a lot of time and will allow you to dedicate more time to your other subjects. You could pull up either english/psychology since there isn’t much of a difference between SL/HL english and psychology. If you want to maximise your overall scpre pull up psychology since it is easier than English (getting a 7 in English is hard) - this is subjective, though. </p>