<p>Hey there, Im interested to know more about CMU. How great is it in terms of international prestige ? I understand that Nash is a CMU alumni.. :o</p>
<p>CMU is extremely prestigious. It’s not quite as widely recognized as the big name schools (Harvard, Stanford, MIT, etc), but it makes a point of relying on the quality and prestige of its programs, not so much the name. That, and it’s more recently shifting from being a more regional school to a national presence - when I say I go to CMU, I either get ‘OH WOW!’ or ‘Now where is CMU again?’ But even so, people who are familar with it will be very impressed, so yeah, there’s your prestige.</p>
<p>Also, the education you receive is superb, rigorous, and very relevant. My friend was talking to his college counselor who was very familiar with tons of schools, and he noted that if you add .7 or .8 to your CMU GPA, you’ll get your Harvard GPA. </p>
<p>People love hiring CMU grads, and in a lot of the technical departments, graduates land jobs with six-figure salaries right out of school, and CMU graduates in all departments are very desirable.</p>
<p>All of their programs are internationally prestigious on at least some level, and the university as a whole is internationally recognized as one of the top. The best schools are probably SCS, CIT, Tepper, and CFA. </p>
<p>Tepper is sometimes recognized less than its peer schools such as Wharton in rankings done by places like USNWR, but those aren’t the rankings that matter as much. Employers love CMU graduates because of how well prepared they are for the real world instead of simply having theoretical knowledge. Tepper, for instance, has pioneered the contemporary model for teaching business students. Other schools then followed them.</p>
<p>Newsweek has called CMU a ‘new Ivy’.</p>
<p>SCS is described as “[SCS] helped define, and continually redefines, the field of computer science. The School of Computer Science is recognized internationally as one of the top schools for computer science.”</p>
<p>Countless artists, musicians, directors, producers, and actors who are internationally renown have come through CFA.</p>
<p>THE-QS ranked CMU as the 21st best university in the world (14th in the US), more specifically ranked 6th best in the world (5th in the US) for engineering and IT.</p>
<p>CMU’s peer institutions are listed as Caltech, Duke, MIT, Northwestern, Penn, Princeton, Rice, and Stanford. That may give you some idea of what its put on a level plane with in terms of academics and reputation.</p>
<p>Thats all undergraduate, which I assume is what you were looking for.</p>