How hard are nursing programs to get into?

So I am applying early action to about 11 colleges (I am applying to Seton Hall, Rutgers New Brunswick/Camden, TCNJ, Ramapo, University of Delaware, Stockton, Catholic University, Quinnipiac, Scranton, Widener, and University of Vermont.), but I have gotten quite worried. It seems that every college I am applying to specifies somewhere on their website that their nursing program is very competitive to get into. So, I am starting to get worried that due to the high amounts of applicants for nursing that I will not be admitted into any nursing program.
My question is how hard are nursing programs to get into? Also, what do they specifically look for in admissions? Do I have a shot at nursing?
Info about me: I have a 3.77 unweighted GPA, and a 4.3-4.4 weighted. I have taken 7 AP classes and 10 honors courses throughout my high school career. I am also in the top 6% of my class and 1770 SATS (just re took them today, so hopefully those will go up)
I have been a part of a year round swim team for 7 years, been an assistant swim coach, gotten varsity for every year I was on my school swim team, swam on a summer swim team, had 2 summer jobs as a lifeguard, been a swim instructor for 2 years , drama club for 2 years, varsity choir for 3 years, jr. board for a charity, 200+ community service hours, organized my own fundraisers, spanish honors society, national honors society, national society of high school scholars, an anti drugs and alcohol club for 4 years , and have organized my own fundraisers for pediatric cancer research.</p>

<p>If you’re really worried, apply to a few other PA private or public schools. PA has a lot of direct entry nursing programs, many of which are not that competitive. As I replied on your other thread, IUP (Indiana University of PA) recently accepted my son with an 89 (B+) GPA, 1570 SAT, 1 AP, 2 honors classes, and very few ECs.</p>

<p>The colleges want to get across the point that nursing is much more competitive than their regular admissions. Too many people look at average SAT scores, etc and assume that an average will also work for nursing. However, that doesn’t mean you need to be super-human. Most colleges in the US are not competitive for admissions - most accept 70 to 80% of applicants. That may mean that 50% of nursing students get admitted. You were smart to apply to a few less competitive programs. As noted above, to increase your comfort level, add a few more. Some have free applications. Fortunately, most colleges with nursing programs provide quick admissions answers.</p>

<p>Some of the horror stories about nursing admissions involve states with very few direct entry programs. You are fortunate to live in an area with many direct entry programs.</p>

<p>U. Del. is extremely competitive for nursing, and also expensive out of state. I’d think of that as a reach for anyone. They also reserve many of their nursing spots for in-state students. They also don’t provide admissions decisions for oos until feb.</p>

<p>IMHO you have a decent chance in being accepted into many of the Nursing Programs you listed. Just FYI Catholic Univ. is no longer a direct entry program. The schools that would be more of a reach for you would include Rutgers/NB (only has a very small freshman nursing class), TCNJ (also a small class number and just FYI is a “weed-out” type of program), and Delaware (but just FYI 2/3 rd.'s of the freshman nursing class is made up of OOS students-about 80-90 students-and, as noted, does not have early action/decision). You chances at these 3 schools would be significantly improved if you can get your SAT scores up to around 1900-2000. Good luck. </p>

<p>@XagreatperhapsX I’m applying to nursing too and you definitely have a better shot than me :stuck_out_tongue: Whats your SAT score without the writing section? Most nursing schools don’t even consider the writing score so you need to focus on CR + M.</p>

<p>Seton Hall - 1040 CR+M score
Rutgers NB/Camden - NB would be a reach but Camden is right in your range <a href=“”>;/a&gt;
TCNJ Nursing is looking for around a 1300 CR+M… doesn’t make sense to me either since it’s such a small school -_-
Quinnipiac wants around 1200 CR+M but the guidance counselor said they take people with lower scores too
Scranton wants a 1150 CR+M
Widener would be an easier one b/c they want a 1030 CR+M</p>

<p><strong><em>Note: These are just the averages/minimums to get into nursing. There’s no guarantee. However, they’re definitely legit numbers because I emailed a counselor from every single school I’m interested in & asked.</em></strong></p>