<p>For those of you working hard for a 3.8 - 4.0, how much work are you putting into your studies?</p>
<p>I had a 3.3 in HS, so a 4.0 is pretty essential to me if I want to transfer. I'm taking 21 credits and I think I can get A's in all my classes, but I'll need to work VERY hard for each one - the material isn't very difficult, but it takes a lot of time to comprehend and memorize it all, then revise, etc... I come back to the dorm very tired, but I know it'll all be worth it in the end.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, I haven’t found my university to be all that challenging academically, even in the 3 Honors classes I’m enrolled in. My first semester, I’ve maintained an A avg in all my classes (17 hrs incl Bio/Chem/Calculus/Art History/English Comp) with no real hard core studying required, just keeping on top of homework, reading assignments and attending classes.</p>
<p>I’m planning to transfer someplace that will be more of a challenge academically.</p>
<p>To be honest, not that much. I’ve taken between 16-18 credits now for each ofthe last 3 semesters, and have made all A’s and 1 B (which was to my fault, I should/could have had an A). All I do really is like previously stated, keep on top of my reading, homework, attend classes, and if my prof. says to study “this” or to study “that” for an exam, I make sure that I do.</p>
<p>Its not about how hard you work, it’s about how efficiently you learn the material and how much you love learning. As long as you care about getting things right in the homework, recitations, etc, and stimulate yourself of the material, then you will naturally learn everything you need to learn without much need of studying.</p>