How Hard does my schedule look?

<p>Ok, I'm taking:</p>

<p>Chem 210/211
Math 115
History 195 (FYWR)
Aerospace Studies 101 (Air Force Class)</p>

<p>quick questions. First, how does my schedule look? Second, does anyone know how hard History 195 is?</p>

<p>looks really good.</p>

<p>I could have sworn I saw that you said you were in engineering. </p>

<p>Anyway, if you’re in LSA, that schedule looks fine. Especially since you know all of the math 115 material, you should be find with that schedule. </p>

<p>I don’t know how hard History 195 is, but I would guess that it is somewhat harder than English 125 because I’ve never met anyone taking it, and if it were the same difficulty or easier I bet I would have.</p>

<p>One more class then me, lok</p>



<p>i’m transferring, yes. i am taking engr 101 in the winter. sorry for the confusion!</p>