How hard is it to change majors into the college of engineering from explore technology (undecided)?

I applied to VT early action and as a major I chose explore technology (undecided) which falls under university studies. I heard it’s really hard to change into the college of engineering due to limited space but will it be easier for me since I’m undecided and under university studies? And if I get accepted into VT hopefully, will I be able to move into the college of engineering during my first year? Help!

From what everyone says it is very difficult to move into engineering.

I would say you would have to do as many early classes as they let you do (such as the calculus etc) that normal engineering students would do first year (your going to be limited) and pretty Much get all As to make case to get accepted in sophomore year.

Here is the process for trying to switch to a Engineering Major. It is the same process for all non-Engineering majors. No advantage being University Studies, and no you probably will not be able to apply until after Freshman year based on below and even then, there is no guarantee of acceptance.

Son is graduating this year from VT in CE. He was accepted at VT in Math but knew he wanted to end up majoring in Engineering. He chose to go to GMU his first year to ensure he was able to take classes that mirror VT’s curriculum(GMU advisor was fantastic and really worked with him knowing his end goal was to transfer). He did end up with a 4.0 at the end of his first year and was accepted. I don’t think it is absolutely necessary to get a 4.0 but he was not leaving anything to chance!