How hard is it to change majors

<p>So when applied (as a freshman) I put biomedical engineering as my major and biochemistry as my alternative major. So if I were accepted for biomedical engineering would it be difficult to change my major to biochemistry? Also if I were to change my major, would I notify the counselor BEFORE freshman year starts even though you don't actually DECLARE your major until later?</p>

<p>It is not at all difficult to change majors from engineering to a major within the college of letters and sciences (or between majors in L&S) - although it is significantly more difficult to switch into engineering. </p>

<p>Since you want to switch out, it shouldn’t be a problem. But since the course requirements are so vastly different for engineering, yes I would call someone before the year starts to change your declared major (yeah whatever technically its not official, but you still “declare” a major when you enter UCLA, even if its “undeclared”).</p>

<p>It’s not hard switch from engineering to letters of arts and science, but the opposite is harder.
I’m not sure if biochem is still impacted or not, regardless, if it is, you just need to petition. Easy but a pain…</p>