How hard is it to get a 5 on Bio?

<p>well, well, it's the day before the test. I have on hand my cliffs which I'm on the fifth chapter of fifteen, disregarding the lab review. </p>

<p>I also have the 5 steps, the barrons, the AMSCO, and ofcourse, your regular old Campbells. </p>

<p>And folgers as well. lol... </p>

<p>I barely attended class the entire year. And I'm hoping to pull a miracle out of my ass. I did however, take microbio, marine sci and anat & phys, which I'm hoping will help me atleast a little bit.</p>

<p>So, will I get a 5? Most probably not. But there is that 2% margin of error, and I just might get a five right? right?</p>

<p>clearly, I will not only fail bio this year, but stats as well.</p>

<p>WOO HOOO!!</p>

<p>Stats owned me.. and bio is about to do the same.. lol gooooddd byeee national scholllarrr.... going to only pass 11/13 tests now :(</p>