How hard is it to get a good GPA?

Hi! I was wondering how hard it is to get a good GPA at Michigan w a major like biology or neuroscience?

it’s super easy bro

I will tell you my son took 18 credits with two sciences and labs and worked 3 days a week and saw a drop in his usual GPA his first semester. It is not an easy school. I think it depends on what type of student you currently are and if you are willing to take advantage of the resources afforded you at Michigan.

Weeder classes like Orgo and Econ 401 are the bane of students at Michigan because they have fixed distribution curves. The vast majority of classes to not suffer from this indignity, so your GPA is under your control.

Is Econ 401 a weeded class? I thought most of the seeders are 100 or 200 levels.

When I took it, it was a curved class, which is pretty unusual for 300 and 400 level classes. It requires calculus.

It really depends on the classes you take. I’ve been taking half science classes and half humanities/social science in LSA the past two semesters and I’m doing well. Since you have to meet the distribution requirements for LSA anyway, you’ll have to take some social science/humanities classes anyway so if you plan strategically you can make it work. I would recommend doing a mixture of the two and not loading up too heavily on sciences at once (even if it seems more efficient, you’ll have to take the other classes at some point anyway).

It really depends on the student’s ability and more so the class schedule. For many high achieving students that brought in a lot of AP credits and have advanced placements in many classes, it may actually have an adverse effect in the GPA. It would be hard for a freshmen taking Calc 3, Calc 4, Org Chem 1, Org Chem 2, Physics 2xx, plus other required courses. AP credits may also fulfilled a lot of the electives requirements.