How hard is it to get accepted into UBC Vancouver?

<p>Currently I’m a rising junior living in Saskatchewan with hopes of attending UBC in the fall of 2016, so far I’m really focused on maintaining a high average as well as a part time job all year around. I haven’t done any extra curricular activities since freshman year and I’m wondering if that will really bring down my chances of being accepted. Also, are SAT’s/ ACT’s needed to apply to the school? I plan on becoming a dermatologist once the time comes and I’m wondering what the best major for my undergrad years would be. Any help is appreciated, thanks :slight_smile: </p>

<p>You must be so young, you have no idea how the process works. Canadians are not required to take SAT ACT. Also, being a dermatologist requires medical school. To get into medical school, there is no set of majors. I know someone who was a visual arts major and took all their electives as pre med classes, they volunteered and had a high MCAT score, and now their an attending at mount sinai in nyc. Most med students are science major, but not all of them. Enjoy the rest of highschool, university will be here soon enough, things get hard after grade 12 grad. </p>