How hard is it to get accepted?

<p>Just curious about all UC schools. I don’t expect to apply to UC Berkley or UCLA.</p>

<p>How hard is it to get accepted as a transfer student who is out-of-state? Which UC schools would a student with a 3.8-4.0 GPA and 30+hours be able to get accepted to? Not may ECs, volunteers, etc. For transfer students do you need to be well rounded (more than just high GPA)?</p>

<p>Is every UC school prestigious? </p>

<p>Please list the UC schools, if any, that would accept me. Which of these is the best school?</p>

<p>50 views with 0 replies...</p>

<p>Read the threads of each of the UCs you interested in. No one wants to do the work for you, your question is too broad. Come back with specific questions.</p>

<p>oh please I've seen like 200 views and no replies. Your question is so broad its almost rhetorical.</p>

<p>Of course its a broad question, this was posted to the University of California- GENERAL. "General" meaning the UC school system.</p>

<p>Go to UC transfers page.</p>

<p>Haha ok I didn't see that thread.</p>