How hard is it to get in UCSD?!!

<p>UCSD is ranked 7th in the nation. I know it is very selective and competitive university. What do the admissions mostly look in a freshman applicant? Is the UC personal statement a major part of admittance or is it more of the Academic such as the GPA, extracurricular activities, community service hours, SAT/ACT scores, etc? How hard would you say it is to get in UCSD?! Will being involved in the UCSD Hughes Scholars Program help me get a better chance of getting accepted?</p>

<p>My impression is that the “point” system makes UCSd one of the easiest admissions to understand. Have you checked out how they award points? If you like, you can also do a search to see how may “points” it took to get in over the last few years.</p>

<p>[Prospective</a> Students: UC San Diego Comprehensive Review Admission Process: Freshman Selection, Fall 2008](<a href=“]Prospective”></p>

<p>[@UCSD:</a> Demystifying Admissions](<a href=“ONLINE138 - Jangan Cepat Puas Main Segera Pantang Udahan Sebelom Jepe Disini Jamin Bayar”>ONLINE138 - Jangan Cepat Puas Main Segera Pantang Udahan Sebelom Jepe Disini Jamin Bayar)</p>

<p>If you have great grades (4.2+ ) you are set regardless of SAT scores
But if you don’t, like I didn’t, even with a 2360 on the SAT and a 34 on the ACT I was denied flat out from UCSD (My G.P.A. was 3.07)</p>

<p>^ I’m pretty sure they’re looking for a balance between SAT and GPA. Although this is strange…I always thought LA and cal were more prestigious/harder to get in than SD</p>

<p>I find it hard to believe that UCSD is the 7th best school in the nation.</p>

<p>^ That’s what I thought. I remember UPenn being the 7th best school in the nation.</p>

<p>7th best public school i believe.</p>

<p>yes the 7th best public university in the nation. Sorry about that.</p>

<p>UCSD shouldn’t be any harder to get into than UCLA/Berk. If you look in What are my Chances “actual results” most people get rejected from LA/Berk instead of SD which seems to accept a lot of applicants. Granted, CC does have an unusually high amount of accepted applicants to top schools, but SD is definitely a lower tier than LA/cal…and it’s stat heavy too. I would not worry too much if you’re aiming for LA/cal.</p>

<p>i’ve heard of someone who was accepted to UCLA but not UCSD, which ****ed that person off.</p>

<p>^ Yea, my friend was rejected from every single UC (even sb/sc/i & sd) but was accepted into cal. This is definitely not representative of the majority though. </p>

<p>I guess this just shows that the admission process is random.</p>

<p>OP, you seem to have asked this question before.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Is any of this information helpful? Have you calculated your points?</p>

<p>you can use statfinder to check out the accepted ranges of gpa + test scores.</p>

<p>[University</a> of California: StatFinder](<a href=“]University”></p>