<p>I was wondering how hard it is to get into a sorority at LSU? What usually happens during the process? Is there any hazing that goes on? Do alot of people get turned away? Also what are the best sororities around campus to pledge? Any comments and feedback would be much appreciated!!!</p>
<p>They make you go gator wrestling in the bayou.</p>
<p>Hahahaha tough. Think I can handle it?</p>
<p>Members at greekchat.com would probably be better able to answer your questions, if you haven’t looked at that site already.</p>
<p>I’ve tried to sign up but it won’t let me post anything. Any suggestions?</p>
<p>I have served as the alumnae reference chairman for my sorority for the past two years and rush seemed brutal to me this year. This is just my observation–not based on hard and fast facts–that a darling girl with a high GPA and ACT can go through rush and if she doesn’t know anyone, she may be in trouble. It’s better to have someone in the sorority standing up for you than having a 4.0 and 32 ACT. Hope that makes sense. No, hazing in the sororities is not a problem. Our national chapter would come down hard and fast for that. Now, in the fraternities at LSU, I hear it definitely still exists.</p>
<p>I would highly recommend not walking around asking people what the ‘best chapters’ to pledge at LSU are. That type of talk is highly frowned upon in the greek community. Go on Greekchat and search for LSU, and there are a ton of threads on them. I can guarantee your questions have been answered in one of them. Finally, LSU is a school where you absolutely 100% need recommendation letters for each and every chapter, so you should start getting those ducks in line now for next year.</p>