How hard is it to get into Interior Design program? (external tranfer)

<p>I applied to Virginia Tech as a tranfer applicant for this fall year.
I haven't heard anything back from them and I'm SOOOO nervous that I might not make it :(((</p>

<p>I'm literally checking my statues every freaking 5 seconds but still don't see ANY TYPE OF BIRD!! ugh. So, here I'm wondering if it is really hard and competitive to get in.</p>

<p>this is my stat:
I go to community college and I hae GPA of 3.74 with 48 credits.
I'm taking 15 credits right now and looks like I will be pulling my first C ever this semester though. I hope this won't hurt my grade. Other than that, it looks like 4 A's and a C. </p>

<p>do you think I have the chance?? or is anyone going for design or architect heard from tech yet?????????</p>