<p>Okay so I am a freshmen at UNC. Basically im trying to plan ahead to get into business administration major. But seriously if it is too difficult or annoying I really might just shoot for the management and society major. How hard or what do you need to get in?</p>
<p>it’s pretty difficult–most people come in as business or pre-med majors and end up changing. i do know that kenan-flagler won’t even really consider your app (submitted spring of sophomore year, i believe) unless you have a 3.5, which deters a lot of people becuse it’s definitely not as easy to get a 3.5 here as it was in high school!</p>
<p>It isn’t as difficult as some people make it out to be and I certainly wouldn’t compare it to pre-med track students. I think if you keep around a 3.5 gpa you have a pretty good shot, I know someone with a pretty average academic record and less than 3.5 semester gpa who got in.</p>
<p>Does anyone know if it is possible to be admitted to Kenan Flager as during your first year at UNC if you have sufficient AP credits to gain “Sophomore” standing? Would the admissions requirements be different (due to the fact that you wouldn’t have a UNC GPA)?</p>
<p>As a freshman at UNC, you’re classified as a “first year”, no matter how many credits you have. My roommate had 90 credits coming in (enough to be a senior), and is to this day classified as a “first year”. I have no idea what will happen next year, whether he’ll be classified as a senior or a sophomore.</p>
<p>No you can’t get in as a first year. I tried, and was politely told that while I could apply, I would almost certainly get rejected. They said that they wanted their admits to have time to explore other avenues. When I first heard it, I was disappointed, but you know what? They were right. Applying first year doesn’t allow enough time to get to know the campus. Do something fun, like studying abroad. Maybe pick up a second major. </p>
<p>However, if money is the issue, the dean of admissions to the b-school did say that they had admitted a first-year last year when she had financial difficulties and could not stay for four years.</p>
<p>r hard is is to get in as a junior transfer with 3 courses needed to take to fulfill the minor pre req</p>
<p>I would jus like to minor in busin adm</p>
<p>I suppose difficulties of getting into Kenan-Flagler are well explained by everyone, so I will just post a number here.</p>
<p>Majors: Class of 2010 Profile
Admitted Majors 335
Average GPA 3.492
Gender 34% women - 66% men
Residency 68% North Carolina
28% Other U.S.
4% International
Denied to Major 161</p>
<p>Source: [UNC</a> Kenan-Flagler Business School : Application Process](<a href=“http://www.kenan-flagler.unc.edu/Programs/BSBA/Admissions/major.cfm#Data]UNC”>http://www.kenan-flagler.unc.edu/Programs/BSBA/Admissions/major.cfm#Data)</p>
<p>So, total of 496 students applied, of which 335 students were admitted, which is approximately 67.5%. Doesn’t look as hard as you might have thought, right?
I heard that if you have 3.5+ GPA and a decent Resume and cover letter, your admission to KFBS is almost guaranteed.</p>
<p>your info is a bit off, the application is submitted fall semester sophomore year with decisions in spring semester sophomore year. The AVERAGE GPA OF ADMITTED STUDENTS is a 3.512 meaning many people below and above that mark where admitted (hence the fact that you say they don’t even look at your app unless you have a 3.5 is incorrect). Just clarifying to help other people out…</p>
<p>I am waiting for my decision currently, and am nervous. I hope things work out, but it is tough. Good Luck to everyone else! :)</p>
<p>oh yea and Happy New Year!</p>