How hard is it to get into PLME?

<p>I heard its almost impossible. Is it worth applying to?</p>

<p>It’s one of the most selective programs in the country. You can’t get in if you don’t try so if it’s something you’d want then you should apply.</p>

<p>^ Like modestmelody said, if you don’t try, you’ll never know. I believe it’s a bit more lenient than the HPME and Rice-Baylor programs (there’s more, like at Boston U and etc, but I didn’t quite look into those), but it’s still one of the most competitive programs in the U.S.</p>

<p>Besides, isn’t it a bit late to be considering this? You have 3 days to write 2 full essays on why you want to do PLME – not to mention research a bit more on the program before you actually apply to it.</p>

<p>I know, I’ve been cramming a lot of essays lately though. I’m getting better at it although I know it’s not a good idea lol.</p>

<p>PLME is different from other programs imo…others have cut-off scores and required specific subject tests…PLME has none of that…its more based around getting a bright, well-rounded student body that has a passion for medicine…to me, the others are just out to amass the highest SAT scoring kids in the nation and spit out doctors…the PLME not only trains you in medicine but gives you a true liberal arts education…of course, you still need to be a great student with at least decent scores to be considered…but idk this program just appeals to me more than the other ones…i’m only applying to one other med program (because it’s in-state)…but PLME is the only that really appeals to me…so if you really want to go there, show them why specifically PLME and your passion for medicine and you should have a chance…</p>

<p>^ sounds like a good why PLME essay right there lol.</p>

<p>bicycle-how do they measure the “well rounded” factor better than other schools? I don’t think schools are mainly looking for the highest SAT scorers plenty of high scorers get rejected</p>

<p>well i looked at a decisions thread from last year (or a few years a go, not sure)…and this one kid struck me as an example…he got into PLME with a 1350 or 1360 out of 1600…he would not even have been considered at TCNJ’s med program and others too as the MINIMUM requirement is a 1400 out of 1600…Brown clearly saw promise in him and overlooked his less than perfect SATs…thats what i’m talking about…its not all about the scores here…</p>

<p>take for example HPME…they require you to take MathII and Chem and to send in a card with your scores requesting an application…if they don’t like your scores you don’t even get a chance to apply…see what i mean? PLME’s admissions is much more holistic than the other programs…at least thats the impression I got from their website and from searching pages here…</p>

<p>I definitely agree with bicycle on this one- I got the same impression as well. My SAT scores aren’t bad, but they’re probably the weakest part of my application, naturally causing me to fret. Everyone assures me that it’s not that big of a deal, especially since Brown accepts score choice by section now, but still. Besides stupid college board, I’m happy with what I have- hopefully PLME is too!</p>