How hard is it to get into Rice/Baylor Med program?

<p>So, I am interested in this program. But, I am also considering to just apply to university itself. What are good majors Rice has to offer... i know their architecture program is number 1 and very rigorous to get into. Do they have great math/physics/ bioengineering programs? I am kind of scared because they say i need to apply directly to a specific program (if i am not doing the Med/Program)</p>

<p>The Rice Baylor Program accepts only 14-15 students each year, so pretty competitive. I assume you know more about it and I dont need to go into specifics but I can if needed.
Rice is good in nearly every aspect. I would say all there departments are amongst the top in the country. Each year, nearly a third of all their graduates go on the medical school. In addition 75% get into their first choice grad school with 95% going somewhere.
Their engineering programs are stellar. Rice is the leading research school in the field of nanotechnology. In addition, NASA is less than a hour away. If you are really interested in medicine, the Texas Medical Center is right across the street (literally). It houses 13 hospitals, two medical schools, and four nursing schools.
Also, Rice focuses most of it’s attention on their undergrad. Currently, there are about 3000 students but that number is to increase to 3800 by 2011 or so.
Their architecture program is a 6 year program but for one of those years, you get to travel abroad and work with some of the top architectural companies and this counts toward your certification time.
Rice is an amazing school. I’ve barely scratched the surface on their awesomeness.
If you want any more information, please pm me and I’ll be glad to help</p>

<p>Also, there’s no need to stress out about applying to a particular college at Rice. It’s easy to change your mind and move from one school to another (other than for architecture or music) if your interests change.</p>

<p>it’s pretty damn hard… i’m applying to rice, but mainly just for the med program. i’ve heard its best program is engineering, and i was thinking i might just do engineering (with pre-med) if i were at rice</p>

<p>engineering with premed is tough, but there are people who do it, mainly bioengineers. Rice is also very good in the natural sciences, as their math, physics, biochem, and chem (buckyballs anyone?) are very good.</p>

<p>Don’t stress about which school you’re applying to; once you’re in you can move between the schools (except for music and architecture) by only filling out a form.</p>

<p>what if i get rejected from rice/baylor program… do i still get a chance to try to get accepted into their other college programs? for instance engineering?</p>

<p>yes, if you get rejected from Rice/Baylor, you can still be accepted by Rice</p>

<p>Ok sweet… so its kinda a good situation… im happy to hear that…</p>

<p>cuz i do wanna do a “walter dandy” type path… that man is my hero… so like doing undergrad and taking grad courses in med school is something i wanna do… but i heard this rice/baylor program is very good… not so much about northwestern or brown… USC has a good one to</p>

<p>If you’re interested in Rice-Baylor, and applying for 2009-2010, you’d better get moving. Application materials are due by 12/1/2008.</p>

<p>[Rice</a> University | Prospective Students](<a href=“Office of Admission | Rice University”>Office of Admission | Rice University)</p>

<p>The program is very competitive: “Last year, more than 1,000 Rice applicants expressed an interest in the Rice/Baylor Medical Scholars Program; 305 applicants were admitted and given the opportunity to compete for admission to the Medical Scholars Program. Fifty-one of those students were selected as finalists and asked to interview with Baylor College of Medicine. After the interviews, 14 students were selected as Rice/Baylor Scholars.”</p>

<p>mm anyone been through the interview process?.. i mean ive been in my fair share of medical interviews already… cuz of internships… but ya admissions is one thing</p>

<p>My friend went for an interview and he said it’s basically a panel of Baylor College elite staff members along with a couple of doctors who ask questions about various things ( mostly focus on medicine).</p>

<p>When you apply to Rice/Baylor, you still have to choose one of the four academic schools. You can get rejected from Rice/Baylor but still accepted to Rice.</p>

<p>It’s ridiculously hard lol :slight_smile: lets say 1% acceptance rate?</p>

<p>1% acceptance rate = near impossible… but it IS incredibly ridiculously hard to get into.</p>

<p>One kid I know in the Rice/Baylor program got into Harvard and Stanford but chose Rice/Baylor over them (got financial aid too, among other reasons). You will be pitted among the best of the best applicants in applying for the Rice/Baylor program.</p>

<p>Yeah, the one guy I know who is a Rice/Baylor scholar turned down Harvard (and perhaps Stanford? might be the same one as hotasice is talking about) and won a fair number of awards at Intel ISEF. He’s pretty bad*ss.</p>