How hard is it to get into the honors program at UM?

<p>My GPA is a 3.5 unweighted with a 4.1 weighted, and my rank is top 7%.
I meet their SAT requirement, as I have a 1400 M+R. </p>

<p>I have pretty solid extra-curriculars, such as sports and various officer positions. I am also Hispanic.</p>

<p>Do you think I will get in? </p>

<p>I'm hoping to do general honors as a Biomedical Engineering major.</p>

<p>I think you’ll get in to UM with a $20,000 scholarship, but I don’t think you’ll get in to the Honors program. You can always apply after your first semester, though.</p>

<p>If I remember correctly the top 10% of the incoming class is offered a spot in the Honors program.</p>

<p>thanks. but how do they determine what the top ten percent of the graduating class is? Surely it can’t just be GPA based… they say they take top 10% + 1360 M+R</p>

<p>It’s subjective, I’d imagine, just like everything else in admissions. If you have a relatively low GPA excellent extracurriculars, SATs or recommendations can pull you up, poor extracurriculars can be pulled up by SATs, recs, or a high GPA, etc. </p>

<p>There are very few solid lines in college admissions. That’s why chancing is often so inaccurate. We have no idea what your recommendations or essay look like and we don’t know what your school profile looks like. But based on the information you gave, it doesn’t seem like you fall into that category. But you certainly may, depending on aspects of your application I’m not privy to.</p>

<p>Well I got into the Honors program with a 4.715 GPA (weighted), 3/375 rank, 1440 superscore on SAT, and a ton of extracurriculars and national journalism awards.</p>

<p>I think it’s a bit sporadic. I know some really smart people who didn’t get in. You can always apply after your first semester, though, if you do well enough in your classes.</p>