How hard is it to get into the JP Morgan Honors program?

<p>ML sent me an rejection email and told me to reapply next year. I also received an email from Citi saying they are looking for possible openings but no interviews yet.</p>

<p>But I am very curious to whether if they read all resumes or do some sort of system where they match keywords.</p>

<p>if you're nontarget, you've got no chance. all the nontarget spots are taken. as for target school spots, you've still got a chance.</p>

<p>anyone else receive their rejection letter today?</p>

<p>I got mine officially today...</p>

<p>Officially Rejected from JP Morgan honors program. This really is depressing.
Now, I'm waiting for notification by the other companies that I applied to. Not sure when I can expect to hear, although, I do know that the interview process is coming to an end for most firms. Or is this not correct?</p>

<p>Had my interview yesterday and thought it went really a rejection letter today..pretty angry</p>

<p>interview process does not end till later spring but most first round interviews are over by feb. and they start looking into 2nd round.</p>

<p>so im going to bump this thread for more questions about this stuff for this year!</p>

<p>freshman can apply right? how on earth does GPA factor in then?</p>

<p>Have they even opened applications?</p>

<p>hey, is this internships available to all the freshmen/sophmore or only to those from top coll/univs.</p>

<p>[url=<a href=“J.P. Morgan | Official Website”>J.P. Morgan | Official Website]Recruiting[/url</a>]
i went to the above link, but it lacked the information i wanted</p>

<p>i would like to what are the requirements, how to apply and other information abt the program.</p>

<p>please reply me</p>

<p>around what time are the applications posted</p>

<p>the jp morgan honors program talks about diversity but i was just wondering if they just favor diversity or will only hire for diversity</p>