How hard is it to get into UConn?

<p>I kno some ppl that go 2 UConn nd they tell me that a 3.6 GPA and an 1800 on the SATs BASICALLY gets u into UConn. But according to the stats from last year... it sed the average GPA was 3.4 (SATs were basically the same). Then i looked 2 c what kind of ppl r applying this year and many have GPAs lower than 3.0 and SATs lower than 1800. I think that it varies based on each years set of applicants...but UConn's Acceptance rate is around 51%. But i have no i ask... how hard is it 2 get into UConn?</p>

<p>how do you know that stats for the people applying this year?</p>

<p>Are you in state or out of state? Out of state makes it harder than if you are in state.</p>

<p>Well its not the stats in general…i just looked @ who posted that they applied on … and im Out of State (NY)</p>

<p>Bump bump bump</p>

<p>In state is a 3.0 and 1200. OOS i have no idea.</p>

<p>I have a branch in my town, but I don’t want to go there. could I get into their business school. my recs will be written from uconn grads</p>

<p>GPA:3.39- 2 AP and one (Honors-pre calc)</p>

<p>eagle scout
business internships- employment for the past 2 years
no sports but clubs</p>

<p>-writers club
-investors club
-investors/ stock market club</p>

<p>I go to an Private Catholic school.
I am good at interviews.</p>

<p>what are my chances, also what other colleges should I apply too for finance</p>

<p>My SAT are mediocre</p>

<p>UConn is a very good school, but it has an inflated opinion of itself – it’s not a first tier public, as much as it would like to be. If you’re a state resident, you’ll need to be in the top 1/4 of your class and have an SAT CR/math score in the range of 1150-1200 to be competitive for admission to the main campus at Storrs. There are certain undergraduate programs for which admission is more competitive. If your stats for the main campus aren’t competitive, you can go to one of UConn’s branch campuses for two years and then transfer automatically to Storrs. If you’re a non-resident, however, the competition for admission is significantly greater.</p>

<p>Thanks, What other schools should I look at.</p>

<p>If I were you, I would try to get into UConn – Storrs has a great business school and finance major, and you can’t beat the in-state cost of attendance. If your SAT scores are mediocre, perhaps you should consider taking a prep course and then retaking them, or trying the ACT instead.</p>

<p>I apprieciate the help, The UConn branch in my town is alright, prep course sounds good.</p>

<p>Not focusing on cost, what are some other B-Schools (finance) in new england should I consider, private/public doesnt matter</p>

<p>Here are the 2009 U.S. News rankings for the top ten or so undergraduate programs in finance: [Undergraduate</a> business specialties: Finance - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report](<a href=“]Undergraduate”> So far as I know, this is all that is available from U.S. News online, so if you want the complete list, you’ll either have to buy the book, search CC, or find an older version online. Best of luck to you.</p>

<p>depends on the program you apply to at uconn… business, education and pharmacy are the toughest to get into… for business you should have around a 1250 sat (old number… I graduated from uconn a couple years ago) and a 3.5 or higher gpa… acceptance to business is anywhere between 30 and 40%.</p>

<p>Since many kids change majors, can’t an applicant apply for one major ( e.g. education ), garner acceptance, and then switch to business once he/she is attending ?</p>


<p>And UConn is getting tougher and tougher each year. I’m a senior in CT, and our guidance is hammering that to kids who are counting on UConn as a safety</p>

<p>I applied EA this year to Uconn, with a 1230 and 3.2 unwieghted GPA, top 25%, lots of ap’s and the rest honors, and well rounded extracurriculars and i got deferred. so there you go, its getting harder. I was pretty sure i would get in and im ****ed beyond belief now.</p>

<p>3.2 unweighted GPA is the reason why you got deferred. That’s quite low especially since your taking harder classes.</p>

<p>if your school doesn’t do the unweighted GPA, do they recalculate it? i know they have tons of applications so they probably don’t have time to do that but i thought i’d ask anyway</p>

<p>I think they use the general conversion rule:</p>

<p>A+, A, A- all count as 4.0 toward GPA
B+, B, B- all count as 3.0 toward GPA
C+, C, C- all count as 2.0 toward GPA</p>

<p>Anything below that, might be considered failure.</p>