How hard is it to graduate with enginnering?

<p>Main Question:Compare to other similar prestigious public Engineering schools( Wisc-Mad, UIUC, UT-A, Penn State, VT etc) how hard is Engineering at Purdue and how hard is it to graduate?</p>

<p>I heard Purdue is lenient on admission but its extremely hard to graduate with Engineering and have designed multiple "weed-out" courses at fres and soph year that eliminate 30%-50% of the people, even the brilliant ones. Also, with a 6-year engineering graduation of less than 60% for Engineering(compare to overall around 78%, as stated in a post on this forum), most people went into FYE CODO after 1-2 semesters into other colleges/transfer to other Universities(for some this is not even an option because their GPA at Purdue is just so poor)while some less-lucky ones fail out completely later, left with tonnes of debt and no diploma.
Also, how hard is it to CODO into FYE after 1 semester if you finish all the pre-requisites and have lets say a 3.3 GPA in core classes needed to CODO?
I'm really trying to decide if its even worth me to consider Purdue anymore with no scholarship and high OOS tuition because I would have to CODO into Engineering later and might take me 6 years to graduate which I can probably finish grad school by then and save 2 years of tuition and fees(80k, payment of a high-end sports car? Down payment of a house?). A school with high graduation/retention rate would be more realistic and secure.</p>

<p>If you’re in state to any of those schools you listed above, then I think you should consider them before you look at Purdue due to $ alone.</p>

<p>In my opinion, succeeding in the engineering school is about 30% intelligence and 70% commitment/perseverance/drive. If you work hard, you’ll be fine. I think Purdue’s problem with low graduation rates is that they admit lots of in state people into the engineering school that aren’t actually serious about completing their degree in engineering.</p>