I am a new transfer international student. I get admitted to CFANS-- Applied Economics, instead of my first choice, CSOM-- Finance. My academic advisor told me to lower my expectation because it is extremely hard to get into CSOM. Could anyone tell me how hard is it?
Also, could anyone tell me about the difference between Applied Economics at CFANS and Economics at CLA? in terms of job perspective?
Thank you
Yes, CSOM is one of the toughest colleges to get into, next to CSE and CBS. You do have the option of trying to transfer in after your first year, but this is also difficult.
The following two links contain tons of information on each major: requirements, sample plans, possible jobs with that degree, etc.
CFANS APEC https://webapps-prd.oit.umn.edu/pcas/viewCatalogProgram.do?programID=197&strm=1149
CLA EC https://webapps-prd.oit.umn.edu/pcas/viewCatalogProgram.do?programID=105&strm=1153&campus=UMNTC