How hard is it to transfer between schools?

<p>I was accepted into the Arts and Sciences undecided, but I am considering changing to a Business major. Could I change during my first year? And is it really easy to? Also, could I switch to the business school this summer before freshman year? How hard would that be?</p>

<p>My DS changed from Arts and Sciences to Business during 2nd semester and it was no problem at all. He made appt with Business school advisor and it was handled with a few pieces of paperwork. Miami really does try to make things as easy as possible…That’s one of the many reasons why he is so happy…few hassles!</p>

<p>oh oh i’m thinking about doing the same thing!
i was accepted as an undecided business major, but i am considering to change to an arts and sciences major… maybe we can just swop haha</p>