How hard is it to transfer into UF?

<p>My boyfriend is considering this because he didn't get in for the fall 2011 term. He is in community college right now. What kind of stats would he need by the time he got his AA for some hope to get in? I think he wants to do some sort of health/nutrition major.
PS: I don't know very much about this. Can you even reapply if you didn't get in the first time?</p>

<p>Also interested in this, specifically for non-CC transfers (without an A.A.).</p>

<p>Anyone? =/</p>

<p>Your boyfriend just needs to decide what major he is going to pursue, and find out what the pre-reqs are. For example most health majors will require Chem I & II, Calc I, Bio I & II, etc. Those will be considered his “pre-professional” gpa and he just needs to do as good as possible. That’s the main thing they’re gonna look at. It’s not that “hard” to transfer in as long as your grades are pretty good, it’s nothing like the freshman stats. Check last years transfer thread for an idea of the stats people got in with… you’ll see overall gpa’s as low as 3.3ish. He also has to earn 60 credits prior to the semester he applies for, UF doesn’t accept transfers with lower than 60 credits.</p>

<p>GallatinGuy, you can not transfer to UF without an AA and your prerequisites completed. One exception I know is that if you are a biochemistry/microbiology major (or any major that requires organic chem) you can transfer in with bio I and II, chem I and II, calc I and II and then finish physics I and II (with out without calc) and organic I and II at UF. But you still have to have your AA to do this.</p>

<p>Yes victoria101’s post is correct, as I am a tranferring Biochem major and Florida has instructed me not to take Physics and Organic but I believe that is because I am pre-med. I wish someone would have told me before taking Physics or Organic chem or else I would have been able to transfer last semester. Since I already to Physics I and Organic I they said to retake Physics I at UF and to just finish Organic out because I will be taking more chem classes once I get to UF. But I am pretty sure that is only because I am using Biochem as my pre-med major and nothing to do with the Biochem in and of itself.</p>

<p>If you technically have your AA degree but didn’t pay to receive the certificate, does that count? Since I finished my AA degree I wouldn’t have received financial aid at the current institution I attend. I want to finish the prereqs in order to get into UF. I have over 60+ credit hours.</p>