How hard is linear algebra?

<p>I need to take it with calc 2 and then differential equations with calc 3 to finish everything on time. Just wondering what kind of difficulty should I be expecting. Thanks.</p>

<p>Calc 3 and Diff Eq will be much harder. Linear algebra is, for most students, easier to understand.</p>

<p>Thanks, that is about what I thought they'd be. Still, gotta do them.</p>

<p>depends entirely on the teacher. all the intermediate math classes (cal 3, multi-v, and linear e) are close enough in difficulty. linear algebra has some more "out there" concepts compared to diff eq and calc 3, but it is not as rigorous in calculations</p>

<p>It's gonna be a tough year, that's for sure. =)</p>

<p>linear algebra is very very very easy.</p>

<p>at least,linear algebra is easier than calculus from my perspective</p>

<p>good to hear. i don't mind "out there" type stuff, it's the tedious calculations (a.k.a cal 1-3) that i don't enjoy. </p>

<p>anyone taken a junior level course on probability theory? what was that like?</p>

<p>I agree with the tediousness of calc too, the stuff is easy enough for me but some of the calculations are really annoying. All the concepts are interesting and fun, but homework problems are sometimes mind-numbing.</p>

<p>so wait</p>

<p>usually from what i've seen, people take linear algebra after calc III and diffeq..are those courses not necessary for linear algebra?</p>

<p>i'm super excited, that would solve my scheduling issues :) (i can't take calc III or diffeq because they both overlap with General Chemistry)</p>

<p>I took linear algebra and DE after calc 3. You will need calc 3 for DE, can't remember about LA tho.</p>

<p>Hmmm ....... I see, okay just to clarify, the calc 3 I'm talking about is multivariable calculus.</p>

<p>Differential Equations has the prerequisite of multivariable calculus (cal3) here.</p>

<p>Linear Algebra has Cal2 as a pre-req and Cal3 as a co-req</p>

<p>Yeah it does here too ........ I just cleared it =P, don't ask how. I'm just hoping to get these out of the way as quickly as possible but I know well enough to not put myself in too much difficult work and mess up my GPA. We'll see.</p>