<p>Does anybody know difficult MCB c160 is? I'm a sophomore and have not taken any upper division courses so far. I'm done with most lower divs including bio 1a/al. But I haven't taken some of MCB c160's prerequisites such as MCB 102 and physics 8b yet. I enrolled for spring 2010 in telebears, but will they screen and remove me from the course? The class has great reviews and all and I'm very interested in neurobiology, but I don't know if it will be too much for me. I'd appreciate you guys' input..</p>
<p>you mean you already enrolled in C160 for spring 2010 or mcb 102 and physics 8b?</p>
<p>even if they didnt screen and remove you from the class, I wouldnt advise it personally unless i had finished 102 and 8b because you may not understand what they are actually teaching in the class</p>
<p>i hope to take this class next fall. assuming i pass bio 1a/l next semester and can actually make it through 102, lol.</p>