How hard is Tech?

<p>Hey! I'm going to be a incoming freshman at Virginia Tech for its honors program at pamplin college of business. The reason why I chose to go to Tech was because I received a guaranteed transfer/transfer offer from Cornell for it's AEM program. Basically, I have to do the 4 required courses (Microeconomics, 2 english/writing composition courses, and calc 1) and get a 3.5 and nothing below a B.
I am starting to panic because I'm scared that I won't be able to get a 3.5. With those courses, how hard is it to get a 3.5 at Tech? I'm asking more about the course rigor, since I know everyone studies at a different pace. Are those required courses hard? Is getting a 3.5 difficult?</p>

<p>check out professor reveiw sites (can’t name here) and you can see the overall average gpa of each class and prof. Keep in mind, this is the average and you need to decide where you fit in to that average. If you invest the amount of time required to get the 3.5, it is doable, but it takes a lot of effort. </p>

<p>BTW getting an “A” in the English courses is very doable.</p>

<p>I’m more worried about microeconomics. I’ve already taken an calc and it isn’t too bad. Is microeconomics or calc supposed to be very hard? </p>

<p>Also, when do you pick your classes for tech? I want to make sure I get the required courses for the Cornell transfer offer done with, so I want to make sure I register for all of them. Apparently honors students get priority course registration, but is that any actual advantage? </p>

<p>Thanks for answering my questions! I really, really appreciate it man. You’re a huge help.</p>

<p>Do you know what Math and MicroEcon VT class you need? If it is MATH 1205 / MATH 1206, I can tell you that the average GPA is 2.5. I can tell you my brother took AP Calc in H.S. and got a 5 on the exam. He worked his butt off first year at VT and got a “B” in the class. Now, that is just him, but it is not an easy class. If the Microecon is 3104, the average GPA is 2.36. I have no information on that class as my brother is an ME major. Priority resgistration is great from a perspective you get fist dibs on classes. Unfortunately, VT does not put the professors name on many classes until the end, so you may not have that information in order to choose the “best” professor. What major?</p>

<p>Just looked. MATH 1525 lookes like the Business math class, not MATH 1205. So, that should be much easier for you, especially after already taking Calc. Note, this class at VT is at the Math Emporium, so it is more an on-line class. </p>

<p>I’m a business undecided major, but if I have to change my major, so be it. </p>

<p>For the Cornell transfer option, they said that I just had to take the closest equivalent for these classes and to fill out a course evaluation sheet beforehand to make sure the courses are of the equivalent. I can take any math course as long as it’s standard calc and any microecon class at Tech as long as it’s about microeconomics. But i don’t know if the honors college or Pamplin will make me take certain courses (I sure as hell hope not). </p>

<p>I was afraid about that. I was thinking of taking a community college class over the summer, so I can get a better grade and get the course over with, but I would have to give up internships and fellowships if I did that. I’m more worried about microeconomics since I did that class last year in high school and I sucked at it. Calc isn’t so bad, but microeconomics definitely scares me. Either way, I gotta make sure I don’t get below a B for either class or the transfer won’t work out :confused: </p>

<p>I really appreciate the advice. I don’t have a ton of friends going to tech or who have gone to tech (most go out of state) so it’s nice to get some input by a current student and/or sibling of a current student. Thank you!!!</p>

<p>I am going to JMU next year. Was deferred ED and Wait-listed RD for VT Biology. I would have loved to go and think you will really enjoy it. The business school is pretty good, so enjoy. Feel free to message me if you have any other questions.</p>

<p>@TheClown Microeconomics is very hard at Tech. I have heard from my brother and sister and some other friends that go to tech that it is very hard. I am transferring to Tech in the fall from a community college in Virginia and I am already signed up for microeconomics this summer so I wont have to do any at Tech. If you can, it is best to take the course in the summer at your college.</p>

<p>Although I have not gone to Virginia Tech, I am certain of this: if you are smart enough to go to Cornell, then you are smart enough to get B’s at Virginia Tech.</p>

<p>For the other people here, I have a different but related question. How hard is Tech compared to the community colleges in Virginia? Specifically, would you say that it is about the same, about one-and-a-half times as hard, about twice as hard, etc? I am asking because I might be transferring to Tech this fall, and I am not sure what to expect.</p>

<p>Depends on the classes. I can only speak to the higher Math Class (Differential Equations). My son took it at TCC after his freshman year at VT and he said it was a total joke. Got a B+ with absolutely no effort and unfortunately didn’t learn a thing either (he expected this however, that is why he took it there vs VT where it is really hard). Said the VT Math class (1206, he placed out of 1205) was 10 times harder than the DiffEq at TCC. This is the only example I have however.</p>