How hard is UT in terms of tests and getting an A?

How hard is UT in terms of tests and getting an A?


<p>there are plenty of easy courses, and it would be possible to graduate from UT taking only easy courses. But there are also some gut-busting difficult courses intended to flunk out or discourage would-be majors (engineering comes to mind). It would be pretty easy once you got there to figure out which courses have which reputation.</p>

<p>Personally Texas might have some good courses but on the average it can be pretty slackerish.</p>

<p>It probably goes something like this, as is the case with most state (and private as well) schools, from easiest to hardest:</p>

<p>Humanities/Social Sciences/Undergrad b-schools
Hard sciences

<p>Since UTA has a fairly well respected engineering program, chances are its a bit challenging. I imagine that for someone who is in the upper 25% of the accepted students most of the other classes are fairly easy, except for "weeder" classes in the first year or two. State schools typically have lower average GPAs, but you also have to consider that the bottom 25% is going to drag down the GPA moreso at a state school than a private school, because some are just there to party at a low price (for a college anyway).</p>