How hard it is to transfer to higher ranking UC

Most colleges make final determination of subject credit after a student matriculates. This involves risk for transfer students in that if some subject credit is not gotten, the student may have to retake some courses and be behind in progression to graduation where the subject credit is necessary for requirement fulfillment or prerequisite sequencing.

For majors where the requirement volume is not that high and/or flexible and there are not long sequences of prerequisites, this may not be too much of an issue. However, if there are long sequences of prerequisites (e.g. engineering majors) or lower level prerequisites that are done differently at many colleges (e.g. CS), there could be more issues. But also consider if any of the destination college’s general education requirements are unusual enough that transfer credit from other colleges is unlikely to cover it (UC-to-UC reciprocity can help).

This is very helpful @Gumbymom.

So OOS have the lowest priority

What’s the order of priority for UC transfer?
1st - TAG
2nd - CA CC (no tag), CSU, UC
3rd - OOS

Yes, so transferring from an OOS University you would have lower priority than CC to UC, UC to UC and CSU to UC transfers regardless of residency. It has nothing to do with residency, but the articulation of required courses.

@ucbalumnus, great points! Which brings me to the next question.
Could students apply after their freshman year to a UC?

1 year transfers are possible if they have the 60 semester/90 quarter units along with completing all the GE and major required courses by Spring prior to matriculating. I can PM you some 1 year transfer information but most successful 1 year transfers have significant DE/CC course credit while in HS.

@Gumbymom, thank you! Please PM maybe it could work.

Given all the uncertainty with course credits, what are some strategies to make make a smooth easier transfer ?

UCs generally want junior level transfers who have completed 60 semester units by the time of transfer, including some basic requirements plus preparation to declare a major. As a practical matter, a full time student taking the transfer pathway will apply after completing their frosh year, meaning during their sophomore year, for transfer as a junior.

If you have substantial AP and college credit earned during high school, it may be possible to complete 60 semester units by the end of your first year in college, so you could apply as a junior transfer during that year.

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@gumbymom, from prior years, do you may have data about how many students applied as a transfers students from CC, UC-to-UC, OOS, and the number of students accepted by each category?

Does it make a difference if the OOS is a private or public university?

Any info would be appreciated.

I have CC to UC data showing Transfer GPA by major and campus here:

I do not have any GPA data or numbers for UC to UC transfer but I have transfer applications/admits and enrolled by Residency (CA residents/Domestic Non-resident and International for several years.

You can filter by campus: Undergraduate admissions summary | University of California

Based on the overall numbers OOS transfers are very few.

Thank you @gumbymom.
Indeed, the numbers don’t look good for OOS to UC.

This information is from Ms. Sun’s website for UC to UC Transfers. For OOS, I do not think it matters if it is Public or Private.

Berkeley generally discourages intercampus transfer. Applicants with compelling reason for needing the transfer and those who have exceptional academic records and/or leadership potentials are more likely to be considered for admission. UCLA gives the same priority to intercampus transfer applicants as California community college transfer applicants. The rest of the UC campuses have varying degrees of preference but all will consider intercampus transfers.

This is a very helpful info!

Very interesting that UCLA gives the same priority to CC and intercampus transfers. It seems, their acceptances rates are lowest of all UC’s.
Many thanks @gumbymom

Looking at the table above, Ca resident, domestic nonresident and international, the domestic nonresidence has the lowest acceptance rates. 1% acceptance rate for the last 5 years. It’s worse than an Ivy.
Since the table doesn’t show CA residents attending OOS universities, I 'm assuming they are grouped in the domestic nonresident.

For the other UC’s UCSB, UCSD, UCI, UCD, which ones have the same priority for intercampus transfers? I am also wondering if these UC’s change their priorities CC & intercampus transfers often?

Other than the information about UCLA and UCB, you can assume the CC transfers will have priority over all other transfers.
You could email each campus about their UC to UC transfer policy. I am sure if the applicant is very competitive, a UC to UC transfer would have a very good chance for an acceptance.

This makes a lot of sense given the TAG program. Thank you gumbymom