How hard to get into U of A?

<p>Is it much harder than ASU?</p>

<p>How much harder is it? And what do they look for on the application sheet?</p>

<p>A bit, though not all that much. I believe ASU's acceptance rate is in the 90's, whereas UA's is in the 80's.</p>

<p>I don't think they look for anything out of the ordinary. EC's, GPA, SAT, etc. (Don't worry too much about everything, though. I got in with no real EC's to speak of!)</p>

<p>Yeah it's not that hard. You have to have some kind of functioning brain, but for the most part you don't need to be Valedictorian or your community's humanitarian haha. You'll be fine if you just try =]</p>

<p>Even though this thread is somewhat old, i’ll respond in case someone for next year’s app process is interested.</p>

<p>Unless you’re well below-average, you shouldn’t have a problem getting in. You’ll see valedictorians coming here as well as total pot-heads that’ll be dropping out after a few semesters spank them. At least take the ACT and know how to write a real essay for admissions (ie, 4 or more intelligible paragraphs) and you’ll get in. Getting into the honors college is a bit more difficult, but I got in even though I said “no” on the application…go figure.</p>