How hard to switch majors

<p>A friend of my S wants to switch from Mech Eng to Molecular Biology. How hard would that be when he starts UCSD this Fall. Oh and he is in Eleanor Roosevelt, if that makes a difference</p>

<p>thanks in advance</p>

<p>It’s easy to switch out of mech E since it’s impacted. But he won’t be able to get the bio since that’s also impacted.</p>

<p>I was wondering about this too. Is it possible to switch into an impacted major? I went in undeclared because I’m not sure what I want to do yet and I really don’t kknow what I might end up doing, but I do like Science and might end up doing something in that and i don’t want to be limited by that when I end up deciding</p>

<p>It’s not possible to get into impacted major afterwards. But there’s lots of other good majors. The only impacted ones are bio, bio E, mech E, and aerospace E. Good majors like comp E, Comp Sci, physics, chem, econ are all open to be switched into.</p>

<p>The websites states that bio is impacted. Does that mean that every major under the biological sciences is impacted (which would be everything here)?
Biochemistry and Cell Biology (B.S.)
Biology with Specialization in Bioinformatics (B.S.)
Ecology, Behavior and Evolution (B.S.)
General Biology (B.S.)
Human Biology (B.S.)
Microbiology (B.S.)
Molecular Biology (B.S.)
Physiology and Neuroscience (B.S.)</p>

<p>yes same question. I got in with Biochemistry and cell Biology, and I am also strongly interested in BioE /BioTec. Will it be hard to transfer from BioChem to BioE after the first years common courses?</p>

<p>i know for getting into bio impacted programs, theres a thing you can go through to attempt to get into one of the majors. You basically have to keep up your gpa (they rank you), take the required courses for that major, generally show them that you’re good and set for that major… then they can put you in.</p>

not sure if all of those are impacted, i’m in Environmental Sciences (Ecology, Behavior, Evolution) not sure how its different from Biological Sciences, but i emailed them and they said i wasn’t impacted. might be b/c i’m not in biological sciences? iono, its not really that clear on their website.</p>

<p>yeah, i’m hoping i can transfer to microbiology…</p>

<p>can i switch from Comp Engineering to Comp Sci? I accidently put the wrong one on my appl. <em>sigh</em>
& how could i change it?</p>

<p>what does it mean if a major is impacted?</p>

<p>Biology will be impacted starting Fall 2009. Bioengineering and Bioengineering: Biotech are currently impacted. Majors that require pre-major status (additional screening during frosh and soph years) are Bioengineering:Premed, Bioinformatics (BioE, Chem, Bio, CS departments), Engineering Physics, Literature/Writing, Human Development, and Math: CS. Anything else can be switched into easily.</p>

<p>When people say Biology is impacted, is that ALL biology? I’m undeclared trying to switch into anything biology but i was wondering what is impacted…
On the UCSD website under undergraduate majors, it has this:</p>

Biochemistry and Cell Biology (B.S.)
Biology with Specialization in Bioinformatics (B.S.)*
Ecology, Behavior and Evolution (B.S.)
General Biology (B.S.)
Human Biology (B.S.)
Microbiology (B.S.)
Molecular Biology (B.S.)
Physiology and Neuroscience (B.S.)</p>

<p>are ALL of these impacted? I’m so confused could somebody please clear this up. TY!</p>

<p>[Impacted</a> Majors](<a href=“]Impacted”></p>

<p>maybe this helps</p>