how hard to transfer to electrical engineering??

<p>hey. im a second year undeclared in natural sciences. im planning to switch to electrical engineering. but i know it's really difficult. i have 3.0 right now. what kinda gpa do u think i need to transfer??
oh or can i switch to an easier engineering major like geo or civil to get into the engineering school first, and then change to EE within the engineering school. wouldn't that be easier to get EE because it would be switching majors in the same school, not transfering to another school? </p>

<p>please help~</p>

<p>Putting it off would just screw you over even more, every semester has EE classes starting from freshman year, so no matter how many core classes you have, you will have to stay for a certain amount of time since every EE class is a prerequisite for the next, thus dragging out your time at UT.</p>

<p>Try transferring now, because after this year it will be a pain in the ass.</p>

<p>hmmm... anyone else?</p>