how hard would it be to change majors at Berk

<p>sorry if this has been answered b4, but the search engine on this forum blows big time</p>

<p>anyways, is it possible to change to an unimpacted major, and how do i go about this process? anyone done it?</p>

<p>for wat its worth i recently realized that I dunt want to do math 4 the rest of my life and want to do something else like sociology... all those math classes for no reason '.'</p>

<p>you can try to see if they have a minor in math, that could be useful. i think if the major is not impacted, when you transfer you will have the opportunity to transfer into it if you have your prereqs completed. this is allowed for unimpacted majors only, but for impacted majors, don’t count on changing</p>

<p>absolutely…sociology is one of the … easier major and u can declare it after first sem here (and do double major)</p>

<p>sociology is a easy major at berkeley?</p>