<p>how hard is it to get a 3.5 or better GPA at lehigh?</p>
<p>I think it's relatively difficult...</p>
<p>This was a long time ago, but I had a 3.7 from Lehigh, and a perfect GPA at MIT. I would say the grading was harder at Lehigh.</p>
<p>Anovice...what's going on with your college plans?</p>
<p>I got into all(Smith, Lehigh, Lafayette, etc) but didn't get the money I want. I got reasonable amounts at the lesser private schools(U Miami, Syracuse, Northeastern, etc) but when it starts at $40K, 15K doesn't mean that much. Smith also invited me to be a part of their STRIDE research program. I got great offers at both Delaware and South Carolina and then I have my state school, UMD, where I got into their honors program. So, I'm thinking about Delware or South Carolina...</p>
<p>Anovice, I'm sorry Lehigh didn't come thru with more aid for you. But you can feel good about your options.....all are fine schools. Good luck!</p>
<p>What would be a harder school to get a 4.0 at (econ major)?</p>
<p>CMU or Lehigh?</p>
<p>what?????? lehigh has harder grading than MIT? I find that hard to belive and very discouraging.</p>
<p>Why are you discouraged? You go to learn....and at Lehigh, that will happen. True, there isn't the grade-inflation that there is at some schools....</p>
<p>cuz employers and grad school seem to place a great emphasis on gpa.</p>
<p>anyone else?</p>
<p>I go to Lehigh now and I got a 4.0GPA in my first semester. Granted, I was taking subjects I'm good at (History, English) and I also got to know my professors personally, which helped. As for the workload, many students come here to take the easiest classes they can (I've heard many say this. One girl even said in English that she came to school to drink, not study hard.). Saying that, some professors try to push the students here as much as possible but I think anyone could get a 3.5 if they actually did their homework and studied a little bit.</p>
<p>Do you know any freshman in the IBE [program? If so, do you know how they feel about their course load?</p>
<p>Yes, I do know a number of them. It is very popular at Lehigh, so it must be very good. Their courseload is extremely regimented. By that, I mean that each semester they are pretty much told which classes to take and they register for those. In that sense it makes it easier for them but I imagine the classes are somwhat challenging. That is all I know, I'm afraid, as I am not in that program.</p>