How have my EC's look for Freshman year of HS???

<p>I want to get into top-notch universities, but I am doing all of these ECs out of love!!</p>

<p>Co-Class President (me and my twin)
Cross Country (One of top freshman runners)
Debate LD - Novice (went to three tournaments, award winning team)
Co-founder of the Handball Team, student run (AKA I am on Varsity + Captain)
Model UN</p>

<p>Is this enough? I also want to publish some scientific research</p>

<p>I think these are good ECs because they are fun for sure, and I have heard they look out


<p>Why are you emphasizing that you do them out of fun? Seems like cognitive dissonance to me! </p>

<p>Anyways, they’re fine. </p>

<p>(Also, don’t bump a thread within an hour of posting it. It won’t generate any more responses.)</p>

<p>@DigitalKing‌ because I know there will be the poster like “do not do them for college”
How would they look towards universities</p>

<p>I thought you weren’t doing them for college.</p>


<p>@mrnephew‌ I was not, I am just curious about how it looks</p>

<p>I’m messing with you. Don’t take that seriously, :)</p>

<p>They’re good, although that scientific research vs. Debate/MUN stuff is kind of like Humanities vs. the Sciences, which is in two completely different directions.</p>