How heavily do UC's look at Senior classes?

<p>So I’m going to be a senior in the fall, and I think I will only be taking one AP. How heavily do UC’s weigh the rigor of the classes I take as a senior?</p>

<p>Also, do UC’s look at class rank?</p>

<p>They weight it heavily. It would be a bad idea to take anything less than you have in the past. For class rank, UCs look at you compared to other UC applicants from your school.</p>

<p>senior year classload counts for a LOT at the UCs. Not only is your GPA weighted, but course rigor counts significantly in how your judged. As for class rank, it doesn’t matter at all. By law the UC’s take students in the top 12.5%, which they determine based just on GPA; there is a cutoff to be UC-eligible. They won’t even ask for your class rank.</p>

<p>keep in mind that UCs only calculate your sophomore and junior year grades. so taking more APs senior year helps weight your UC gpa. unless you’re already taken 8 or more.
also, the 12.5% law is for california residents only. for out of state, i think the only requirement is a min 3.4 gpa.</p>

<p>If they feel like you’re coasting your senior year, they have every right to take away your acceptance. But, I only took one AP class my senior year after taking two my junior year but I got all As so no worries. Just don’t for the love of Jesus get any Cs. And if you get a D, it’s instant out of the university.</p>

<p>I don’t know how much UCs <em>really</em> pay attention to the senior year, but all I can say that if you’re borderline, senior classes count!</p>

<p>How do I know?</p>

<p>During the winter (or around there), UCLA emailed me asking about my senior classes and grades up to that point. (They also wanted an optional essay but I didn’t do it.) Schools almost never email you like this unless they’re borderline about you.</p>

<p>[In case you’re wondering, I got in.]</p>

<p>Silvercross, if you don’t mind me asking, what was your class schedule and your grades for those classes?</p>

<p>Senior class schedule is one of the key admissions criteria after GPA + test scores. Thus, taking a slacker schedule (three academic solids plus study hall) ain’t gonna cut it. Of course, that doesn’t mean you have to take all APs.</p>

<p>Officially class rank is NOT an admission criteria, but they fugde the truth. The UC app reader has at his/her disposal a list of all applicants from your HS, and it shows where your gpa fits in, including UC-gpa, weighted-UNcapped. So, they don’t have the complete HS rank, just the rank of those that applied to a UC. </p>

<p>For apps on the bubble, UC will come back and request additional information, like they did with Silver. It’s called Augmented Review.</p>

<p>@Power , spent my whole senior year scared I would get a D in AP Chem. T_T</p>

<p>AP Art [ A / A ]
AP Chem [ B / B ]
AP English [ B / A ]
AP Macroecon / AP Gov [ B / A ]
Drawing Art [ A / A ]</p>

<h2>Macro and Gov were each a semester class. When UCLA email me, they did not ask for class rank and they only saw my first semester grades, second semester was listed as “planned”. (Sorry, I don’t remember the plus/minus signs…)</h2>

<p>I was also a TA for another class, but they asked only to list A-G courses, at least as far as I can remember.</p>

<p>Thank you silvercross. UCLA is my dream school. I hope I’ll be able to get in as well.</p>