I got Barron's AP World History and Chemistry Flash Cards (boxed sets). I tried the chemistry ones...I really don't know how good they really are. Because they feel different from prep books. Has anyone else tried them...it seems like mostly people don't use flash cards for math/sciences?</p>
<p>Thanks, I appreciate it. And any advice about the World History flash cards? They're ok, I guess, well, for now, anyway.</p>
<p>If you read the reviews, the barron’s chemistry one is of little benefit. Some of the cards are also wrong and your money is better spent on buying a prep. book.</p>
<p>For World History, flash cards may work. For AP Chemistry, I doubt that it would provide any benefit. I’m in AP Chemistry right now and the best way to study for it is to do problems. There are only a few constants or vocabulary words that you need to memorize so I feel that they would be useless.</p>
<p>Thanks. I feel that doing problems for math/science APs helps, too. But I also feel like Barron’s does not do a good job of mimicking AP questions…</p>
<p>^ I recently got the Princeton Review AP Chem book and I really like it! It summarizes everything really well. Your textbook may be more detailed but when it comes to reviewing for a test, PR is really helpful. The practice problems at the end of each section comes in handy too.</p>
<p>Flashcards may work for history!
I’m not sure about WOrld History though since the subject is so broad. But for US History all my friends that got flashcards got a 5 …great review of all the important terms/events/people.</p>
<p>Thanks! I got the PR book. It’s pretty good. I also have the Barron’s book. It’s a lot deeper. I’m trying to do more practice. Does anyone know which book has the most accurate AP type questions? Thanks.</p>
<p>PS: B/C last year I used Barron’s for AP Bio. I got a 5 but the practice questions in the book were not helpful.</p>
<p>Flash Cards- Helpful for AP chem only if you make your own flash cards…That was one of the things I used…
Prep Books- I’m not sure PR should be the only prep book you follow. The problems in AP barrons are a lot harder and well they give you a much more detailed perspective. I did Walker textbook---->PR prep book----->Barrons prep book…Resulted in a 5,…
Hope that helps…</p>