How helpful are PDA's

<p>Are PDA's really worth it?</p>

<p>Presuming you ask about Personal Data and Personal Display of Affection....hehhe</p>

<p>I find mine very useful and it syncs with my laptop and that is also nice. Not having to carry the laptop but ability to see schedule all day during week is quite the deal. I'd have a hard time w/o it.</p>

<p>i dont use them..i dont need another piece of technology controlling my life right about now.</p>

<p><strong><em>Damn America sucks!! Every time it seems like u caught up, these *</em></strong>*es propel some new gadget into our lives.</p>

<p>So, lets say my college has a wireless network, can I connect my PDA to my laptop and access files such as documents and presentations wirelessly? Lets say Im sitting in my class and the laptop is on in my dorm room.</p>

<p>yes, saketm as long as you configure your PDA correctly and if it has wi-fi, then you can do that</p>

<p>First, thank you all.</p>

<p>Infact, my PDA does have wifi. I need to learn how to do that then. It seems very convinient. Does anyone have any websites or resources that can teach me that?</p>

<p>try searching google with something like connect pda wirelessly to computer or sometihng like that
Also, look on the manufacturer's website
lastly, im sure there are plenty of PDA forums or messageboards that can help you
good luck</p>

<p>if you could connect your pda (in class) wirelessly to your laptop (in dorm), then theoretically, does that mean one could type (say w/ pda keyboard accessory) notes into PDA, then transfer said textfile to one's computer? This way, you wouldn't have to bring a cumbersome laptop with you, and yet get the capabilities of quick, easy note-taking?</p>

<p>yes, thats exactly what i want to use my pda for. i dont want to carry my laptop around everywhere. but the only prblem is that you cant type that fast on a pda. you can use it as a recorder though. </p>

<p>you can also take notes in microsoft word itself on a pda, then transfer them to your laptop once youre in your dorm.</p>

<p>Nowadays you can buy a fairly decent word processor for PDAs that combined with a keyboard equals a great notetaking device.</p>

<p>I always found PDA's a hassle. Then again I never used a planner.</p>

<p>I use the PDA instead of flashcards. Also, if you have a lecture with powerpoint its much better than printing out all those slides. So it saves a lot of paper and space in your bag. I also use mine as a calendar organizer.</p>

<p>they are great for playing solitaire during class.....</p>

<p>i had a friend who used to hook his little keyboard up to his pda.. and we all had a great time making fun of him for it... :)</p>

<p>i have the new treo 700p. my brother has used treos in college and instead of taking his laptop to certain classes and said that its hard unless you get pretty good at typing on it.</p>

<p>don't you think you're over complicating things by having both a PDA and a laptop? </p>

<p>If you're not using the laptop for it's mobility what's the point of having it in the first place? Typing on a PDA is horrible, and then you want to be grabbing presentations off your desktop and transmitting them back and forth, it's as if you WANT to overcomplicate your life.</p>

<p>Personally, I got a laptop because I'm going to school several states away and I do not want to worry about putting a desktop in storage over the summer. And I'll be able to bring my laptop home during breaks, and take it to the library when my roommates/floormates are being too loud for me.</p>

<p>I'd like a PDA because it'd be a nice thing to throw in a bag to check your schedule when at class or out with friends. Or check email. Or.. whatever. I'm actually looking for a PDA/cell... but I heard they're not all that great. Hmm.</p>

<p>I just bought the most amazing PDA CELL. Its an O2 atom. <a href=""&gt;;/a>. Its a windows based phone which has high processing speed and also wifi. I would not recommend a treo or a blackberry(a blackberry isnt much of a PDA anyways). </p>


<p>I think PDAs are pretty good for typing up things when you dont feel like bringing a laptop. I have a Dell Axim X30 and a Dell Executive Bluetooth keyboard.</p>