How important are alumni interviews?

<p>I know they are different for every school, but how important are the interviews to Brown?</p>

<p>I’m wondering the same thing. I have one on saturday and I have no idea what to expect or what it means that they requested an interview of me at all. Any ideas? I live in Europe so the only idea I have of interviews is what I’ve been told of UK interviews which are extremely important. But then again their interviews seem to be very different and much less personal than the US interviews</p>

<p>i had mine already and the alumni i interviewed with said that the interviews are just for the school to have contact with you and to make sure that there are no problems or lies on the application and what not.</p>

<p>the lady was really laid back and had a ton of stories to tell me and suggestions about what i should do when/if i go to brown. just be yourself and it should be fine.</p>

<p>i had my interview this past tuesday and from what the person who interviewed me said, the interviews are a way for brown to know the real you…volunteer work, leadership qualities, goals etc…stuff they cant really see on the application. He said something about those who get interviews have made it through “the first cut” or something…nothing special, just that grades/scores are up to par and there isnt anything major such as a police wrap-sheet. haha</p>

<p>well brown is aiming at interviewing 100% of applicants, so it doesn’t really mean you’ve made any cut if you’ve gotten a request to get interviewed.</p>

<p>I had mine about 2 weeks ago. My interviewer said similar things-- that he was mainly the “Face of Brown” in my area. He said he hadn’t even seen the application, so it was coming from an unbiased standpoint. He did say though that they can pretty much pick out any random number of applications and it would be an amazing class–so, not to be disappointed when April 1 came… not too helpful. lmao.</p>

<p>I just received a phone call from someone in Brown and that he had a question on my application. On top of that, I was told it that our meet would take 45 min. Does this mean it is an interview (i didnt request one) or something else?</p>

<p>sounds like something else. A question sounds like a negative, but if it really was a negative wouldnt they just reject you anyway they have enough other kids, so probably it is a really good thing.</p>

<p>Brown interviews are intended for you to get better aquainted with the university. Generally, they say it’s for you to ask questions and get to know Brown better - so have some good ones! An interview won’t make or break you, but I do think that a strong interview can only be an asset to your application.</p>

<p>I recently talked to a rep from Brown. Rumor has it that the interview this year is a lot more important than it usually is. They said that Brown recieved a record number of apps this year, and that the admissions officers have to consider the interview in order to get a better sense of who you are. It’s not the most important piece of information they recieve, but they will be looking through them!</p>

<p>so is it a bad indication if you don’t get an interview??</p>

<p>vandit, since you live in Kolkata, it is definitely because there are not alumni in the area/Brown could not contact an alumni to set up and interview for you. No need to worry. :)</p>

<p>When I had my alumni interview, the interviewer made a point of saying that even if he were to give me a fantastic review, it would have a minimal impact on my overall application. I assume it works the same way in the other direction as well; i.e., it really can’t hurt much at all if you don’t have one.</p>

<p>I had an interview scheduled at some “central interview” thing, but then i got an email the day before saying that I would be set up for a private interview…I checked my email just before i went in for the “central” one and saw this email. The location was an hour and a half away from my house too. I left at like 7 am to get there on time. I got a follow up email saying that someone would be in contact with me. I couldnt make any of the times that the interviewer wanted to meet (and everytime i was available i would email him 2 nights before–only to get a response a week later). That being said, i still havent had an interview.</p>

<p>Well, i had the same problem sometime back. I just guess some of the alumni interviewers have got alot on their hands, i bet they’ve got more than one person to interview per day and also there jobs to think about.</p>

<p>I had to repeatedly e-mail my interviewer and hold my breathe for a one-week-late response.</p>

<p>But all in all, i gues it was worth it. It was a phone interview. I had to call her seeing as there are no available alumni from and in kenya at the mo- and if u ask me i thnk they flip a coin n decide whose gna get interviewed bcz i c no reason as to y vandit or a pal of from kenya ( who applied to brown at the same time) wasnt interviewed over the phne the way i was.
( hope that answers vandits question about the interviews- its not about the location and i doubt it really affects ur chances of getin in!)</p>

<p>Anyhu we’l find out in a week. Good luck!</p>