<p>ECs are pretty important at the top schools, because these schools get thousands of applicants with extremely high GPAs and test scores. The ECs are a way for students to stand out from the crowd.</p>
<p>Do you have any ECs from outside of school? If your school doesn't offer any ECs, the universities will expect you to find other things to do in the community.</p>
<p>I do have ec's outside of school, but they're not that great. Do i need community service? Well I don't have any because my community doesn't need any service; the U.A.E. is REALLY rich for such a small country, and all of the locals are loaded (They all have huge houses and BMW's) . There's no trash on the streets, the hospitals don't need volunteers, etc. </p>
<p>So I'm screwed</p>
<p>I hate this country</p>
<p>I will be expecting many thin envelopes in the spring.</p>