How important are EC's???

<p>I have two EC's and i realize that i should have done more during highschool but it just wasn't really the top thing on my list, I have all A's and B's in all honors classes with multiple ap classes, 7 I think, My class rank is 162/805 around twenty something percent, my sat is Critical reading: 73 Math: 70 and Writing:74
with my lacking EC's what do you think my chances are at UT austin</p>

<p>Don’t know about UT Austin but what exactly are your ec’s???
BTW, your SAT scores are very high and you take a good amount of AP’s. As far as academics go you probably have a good shot, but please post more info.</p>

<p>Officer in Physics club and a member of the Civil rights club
other than that its just some miscellaneous community service</p>