How important are extracurriculars?

<p>I'm currently a biology major at my CC and I'm hoping to transfer to UC Berkeley. My GPA is about a 3.4 right now and I am a freshman.</p>

<p>I'm planning to tutor english at my college next semester because it's my best subject and I get paid for tutoring too. Right now, I volunteer at a hospital and I just do clerical work. I don't work since I am a full-time student.</p>

<p>So, how important are extracurriculars? Are they necessary?</p>

<p>They are not required but they help a lot. You should participate in as many E/Cs as you can, make sure they are valuable experiences though. Don’t try to stack up on E/Cs to fill up your resume and application, you want E/Cs that are valuable and you learn something from. 1 GREAT E/C is better than 10 crappy ones.</p>

<p>they help alot, especially for the people on the border. if you compare two person with the same stats grades-wise a person with ECs look like better candidates than a person with nothing at all. but agreeing with russkiy, one very good EC looks better than having many EC that look weak</p>

<p>What are some examples of good E/Cs? </p>

<p>Right now I’m volunteering in legal aid.</p>