<p>I took a non-major required class (physical geology, im an engineering major) and thanks to a horrible final i got a C for the semester....will this hurt me in my chances to transfer? i have Bs and B+s in all of my major required classes, so without this ****in class i'd have a 3.24 for my first engineering semester...will the admissions office see this?</p>
<p>No A's or A-'s?</p>
<p>Yes they will see it.</p>
<p>yes but will it hurt me a lot?</p>
<p>and i have an A in chem lab, and maybe my engineering class, but engineering is tough first semester =P now that im more experienced, i think ill do much much better come spring semester =) yay for mid semester reports</p>
<p>actually, delete this post because i got a B in the class...sorry =P</p>