How important are the labs for AP Biology?

<p>My ds is in an international school, taking IGCSE biology, which has labs. He is very interested in biology and already took the AP Environmental Science exam last year. Can he self-study for the AP Biology exam this May and do well on the exam, given that the schools labs are not exactly the same ones as an AP Biology course? How integral to the exam are the specific AP labs?</p>


<p>Lol, my AP Biology course is online and we don’t even really have labs :P</p>

<p>This is a CB accredited site too, so I would assume that it’s not necessary… though you may need to learn certain methods or concepts to succeed on the test.</p>

<p>I believe Cliffs AP Biology review book covers the labs. Here’s the free link. <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks a bunch-- avman, how did you get that free Cliff notes link? That’s super. Do you have any other AP links from Cliff Notes like that? Thanks so much!</p>

<p>No problem, someone on this website posted it before but I just keep spreading it because it is awesome. It’s from this website, [AP</a> Chapter Notes & Outlines -](<a href=“]AP”> I don’t think they have other Cliffs Review Books though.</p>

<p>The 3rd edition (which got better reviews) of cliffs is flowing online somewhere. Though I’m not allowed to give specific websites for copyrighted materials, I highly recommend everyone to use the internet as a resource for past SATs, APs, PSATs, prep books, notes etc. Yes, they are out there (decoded: contact me). </p>

<p>I think CB puts special emphasis on the labs, since the course is described as “laboratory-oriented.”</p>

<p>Here are some useful infos on the bio labs:
[AP</a> WebLabs](<a href=“]AP”>
[Required</a> AP Labs](<a href=“]Required”>
[AP</a> Biology Lab Review](<a href=“]AP”>
[Lab</a> Activities](<a href=“]Lab”></p>

<p>I’m self-studying for bio and us history this year, so I have compiled a list of web resources for those subjects.</p>