<p>Okay, I got one B in Spanish 1 my freshmen year. 3.86 GPA freshmen, 4.0 my sophomore.</p>
<p>So now I'm in my junior year. My schedule is as followed:</p>
<li>AP Chemistry </li>
<li>AP US History</li>
<li>Spanish 3</li>
<li>AP English Comp.</li>
<li>Arts & Humanities</li>
<li>AP Biology</li>
<p>This has been my first actually challenging year.. I'm pretty sure I'll have all A's EXCEPT for AP Chemistry... I never took Chemistry before AP Chemistry (nor did I take a Biology course) so it's been kind of difficult for our whole class (because they haven't either. But then again, It's AP friggen chemistry.</p>
<p>So If I get a B in Chemistry this year, that leaves me allowed NO B's for my Senior year, if I want a 3.9+ GPA (3.92).. My senior year I plan to only take 4 classes (AP Spanish, AP Calculus, and AP Lit for sure, and either AP EU History or AP Psychology)..</p>
<p>But my question to you is, how important is getting a 3.9+ GPA? I haven't taken the ACT yet. I'm taking it Dec. 11th and I've been taking practice tests in my McGraw book. I'll probably get "The real ACT" or whatever it's called booklet a few days before I take it. Just for more background information. The reason I'm wanting to score high on my first ACT is because I'm using that score for a program called "Governor's Scholar Program" and the application is due in January. The program would ensure me alot of scholarship money.</p>
<p>I'm not worried about "getting into" college. I know I'll be fine there... It's just I need to know how important a 3.9 is for scholarships. Like how different from a 3.8? I'll probably be getting a 30+ ACT before I graduate high school.. I'm wanting to go to Centre college in Kentucky, which is one of the nicest and most expensive schools in KY. Total costs are around 40k a year.. Which is alot... Thus why I'm worried about the GPA and scholarships.</p>
<p>So any advice on that? I'm going to try as hard as possible, but I just want a good perspective on the manner.. And AP Psychology or AP EU History? I've heard Psy is easy, but history intrigues me and the teacher that teaches it, I've had for two years now. He teaches all the higher level history classes at our school. AP World Civ, AP US, AP world.</p>
<p>So I feel like I've told you my life story.. Sorry about that. Any advice would be awesome. Any questions I'll readily answer!</p>